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Hello my lovelies!
Welcome to my website which has been put together by some young folk who are far better with technology than I am.
The website is divided into sections to make it easy for you to browse and learn all about me.
BOOKS: In this section you’ll find out about the four books that I star in. You’ll get to meet all the crazy characters too on the MEET THE CHARACTERS page.
I’m also a pop superstar with over 500,000 streams and views of my music. You can access links to my songs and find out about my hit sin the MUSIC section. Click the video above to watch the music video for my song First Gran On The Moon.
I post all my current news in the BLOG section and you can learn all about Malcolm J Hogan the author of the books on the AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY page.
My debut movie is released in 2021 and I’m working towards a theatre show too. Read all about this on the FILM AND THEATRE page.
I’ve visited hundreds of classrooms in and around Yorkshire over the past few years. You can find out all about these school visits and see plenty of pictures on the SCHOOL VISITS section. I’m working with Malcolm to present a range of virtual school visits in 2021 too so please keep checking for updates about these.
In the GALLERY section you will find lots of super fan photographs and pictures. I love seeing your work so please keep sending these pictures and photographs to me and I’ll share as many as I can.
Every month I write a 4 page pull out for the Yorkshire information Point Newspaper. These pages include articles, interviews, puzzles and colouring pages. You can find links to the paper in the YIP NEWSPAPER section.
If you do want one of my books you can always visit my SHOP and any enquiries can be sent to the CONTACT US page.
I hope that you enjoy your visit and will pop by and see me again soon.
Granny Norbag

Schools can also access this free resource pack by downloading this file

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