Hello my lovelies.
Did you all have a lovely Christmas? I had a brilliant one but by ‘eck, I ate far too many mince pies on the day!
In my last blog post of 2019 I wanted to tell you 5 facts about my first ever song Disco Bag.
1 - I recorded this back in February 2019 with my producer, William Price, at Tunedin Music School in Rotherham.
2 - When we recorded the song we were inspired by lots of classic disco hits including songs from: The Three Degrees, Earth Wind And Fire, Kylie Minogue, The Scissor Sisters and Donna Summer.
3 - Joe Cummins from the B-Sync Dance Company choreographed part of the music video.
4 - In the video clip, I walked on a piano, went spinning on a chair and flew! It was such fun to film it.
Here’s a link to watch it!
5 - This song has had over 50,000 Spotify streams in 2019 and it is my biggest hit so far.

Toodle pip for now and I’ll see you all in 2020!